Sunday, March 24, 2019

The use of social knots

When posting on twitter, your blogs, and more did you ever think about who you might be baiting? Social Engineers generally start with persons or technologies with access to knowledgeable people

Especially when the social engineer is of a different culture, different career, or outside a particular area of expertise. The first recruit generally is a person well-connected in the desired local environment. A principal contact or even an electronic access point, which may simply open a consortium of contacts to help in the pre-recruitment stages of assessment and development, or may only be involved in finding possible contacts.
These type of contacts for the social engineer may arrange introductions without being completely witting that the purpose of meeting the target(s) is to find people who will participate in some criminal, espionage, or other unwitting behavior. A well-respected technical professional, or a professor and/or student often will make introductions within their field or even be willing to co-sponsor an event with such contacts without really checking the motives of the recruiting individual. Such introductions are perfectly reasonable in many contexts, such as looking for more subject area experts for technology infusion, prestige building, jobs or people to fill them. The process of personnel recruiting for industry and academia is not completely dissimilar from recruiting social engineering contacts. Both may use personal networks, and, in industrialized countries, computer-assisted personal "networking" (for example, through websites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Tagged, and the hundreds of other social networking sites).
Social Engineers know each knot of individuality is bound to the next, creating social fabric in which person-hood(s) exists.

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